FAQ and Troubleshooting

Q: Why does OpenRocket still use the “ancient” Java language? Python and web-based programs are the future.

A: Java is a very powerful language and is still widely used in the industry. While it is true that Java is not as popular with (new) developers as Python or web-based languages, there are currently no plans of rewriting the codebase in another language. The main reason for this is that it would take a lot of time to rewrite the codebase, more time than the current OpenRocket developers can afford to miss of their (limited) spare time. Besides, the current Java codebase is still working fine and has been tested by many users over the years.

That being said, maintaining a Java application does have challenges, mainly in ensuring it runs on all platforms and hardware configurations. Maintaining the GUI and 3D view has proven to be very challenging. Additionally, Java cannot be run on mobile devices such as iOS devices. If you are a developer and would like to contribute to the codebase rewrite, please contact the OpenRocket developers to see what you could do to help!