Getting Started
In this section we have a look at how OpenRocket is organized, by analyzing in detail the structure of the user interface. We will also briefly mention the Example projects that are accessible from the File menu. After reading this section you will have a thorough understanding of how OpenRocket is structured, and will be ready to start designing a rocket of your own. If you already know how this program is organized, feel free to jump to Basic Rocket Design, the next section.
The User interface
The OpenRocket user interface is divided horizontally into four sections:
Main Menu (green)
Task Tabs (black)
Rocket Design, Motors & Configuration, and Flight Simulation Pane (red)
Rocket Views Pane (blue)
Task Tabs
The windows shown below utilize the A simple model rocket example included with OpenRocket.
Rocket Design
The Rocket Design tab is divided into three sections:
(Left) The Component tree: A tree view of the components that make up the rocket.
(Middle) Component action buttons: Buttons to for instance edit, move, or delete the currently selected components.
(Right) Component addition buttons: Buttons to add new components to the rocket.
The components available in OpenRocket are divided into four classes based upon component function:
Assembly Components
Body Components and Fin Sets (external components)
Internal Components
Mass Components (which include electronics and recovery components)
Components are “greyed out” until it would be appropriate to add that component type to the currently selected component in the component tree. For example, if you selected a fin set component in the component tree, then the nose cone component button will be greyed out, because you can not add a nose cone to a fin set. As components are added, you will see the component tree (on the left side of the window) grow with each component added.
Motors & Configuration
The Motors & Configurations tab is where you select motors, recovery events, and stage timing. Motor configuration options include:
New Configuration: Create a new flight configuration
Rename Configuration: Rename the currently selected configuration
Remove Configuration: Remove the currently selected configuration
Copy Configuration: Copy the currently selected configuration
With a specific configuration selected, you may:
Select motor: Choose a motor from the motor database for the currently selected motor mount.
Remove motor: Remove the currently selected motor from the motor mount.
Select ignition: Set the motor ignition timing for the current motor.
Reset ignition: Reset the motor ignition timing for the current motor to the default values.
Flight Simulations
The Flight Simulations tab is where you manage and run flight simulations and flight simulation plots. From here, you can add new simulations, or edit, run, or delete existing simulations. Select a single simulation, and you can even plot and export the simulation results.
Rocket Views
The windows shown below utilize the A simple model rocket example included with OpenRocket.
Top/Side/Back View
The Top View, Side View, and Back View are line drawings, similar to a blueprint that shows all of the rocket components and the placement of those components. Almost all of your design work will take place in the top, side, and back views.
3D Figure/3D Unfinished
The 3D Figure and 3D Unfinished view allow you to look through the rocket’s exterior to view many of the interior components. These views can help you more clearly see the relationship between the placement of different components inside the airframe.
3D Finished
The 3D Finished view shows you what the rocket will look like when finished. OpenRocket allows you to select component colors, inside and outside of outer tubes, right side or left side of fins, and even creating transparent components, all with or without decals (transparent or opaque).
Become Familiar with OpenRocket
For new users of OpenRocket, before attempting to create your own custom rocket design, it is strongly recommended that you become familiar with the OpenRocket user interface and generally accepted rocket design principles by opening and looking at how an example is assembled, making changes to the example, and understanding how to simulate flights.
The example designs are found here:
OpenRocket currently includes the following example designs:
- “Standard” designs:
A simple model rocket: A basic rocket design. This is a good starting point for new users. The design contains all the elements of a standard rocket design, including recovery and experimentation with different motors.
Two-stage rocket: A two-stage rocket design
Three-stage rocket: A three-stage rocket design
TARC payload rocket: Demonstrates payload and booster sections with individual recovery systems deployed by motor ejection. TARC = Team America Rocketry Challenge
3D Printable Nose Cone and Fins: A rocket design to test exporting the nose cone and fins to an OBJ file for 3D printing.
- “Advanced” designs
Airstart timing: Demonstrates the effect of different airstart timings on overall altitude.
Base drag hack (short-wide): Demonstrates the application of the “base drag” hack to adjust the center of pressure for a short-wide rocket, one with a length to diameter ratio of less than 10:1.
Chute release: A simple model rocket example adapted to use an electronic chute release.
Dual parachute deployment: A standard fiberglass zipperless dual deploy rocket.
Clustered motors: A rocket design with clustered motors.
Parallel booster staging: Demonstrates parallel booster staging.
Pods–airframes and winglets: Demonstrates two uses of pods, both for the traditional “wing pods”, and also using a phantom body tube to implement “fins on fins” for the horizontal stabilizer.
Pods–powered with recovery deployment: Demonstrates the use of pods for powered recovery deployment.
Designs using advanced simulations, such as extensions and scripting - Simulation extensions: Demonstrates active roll control and air-start using simulation extensions. The main fins are slightly misaligned, which causes roll to occur. - Simulation scripting: Demonstrates active roll control and air-start using simulation extension written in JavaScript.
The Basics of Using OpenRocket
Rocket Configuration
To build your first rocket, start OpenRocket, then double click the Rocket label at the top of the component tree to open the Rocket configuration pop-up window. OpenRocket allows you to name your design, identify the designer, make comments, and create a revision history.
The default design name is Rocket, but that name can be changed, and a design name change also changes the name of the rocket shown on the component tree. So, rename your design and enter the designer, comments, and revision history information you desire.
Double-Click Rocket in the component tree
Rename Rocket
Adding External Components
Now it’s time to start putting together components to build the rocket design. The generally accepted way of putting together a rocket design is from top to bottom, from nose to tail. So, we’ll add the nose cone first.
Adding a Nose Cone
With the Stage selected, click on the Nose Cone button and the Nose Cone configuration window will pop up. Then, click the Parts Library button on the top-right of the configuration window. This will open a new window, the Component preset window. From here, you can select a nose cone from a list of built-in nose cone presets from various manufacturers. Select the nose cone shown below, and click the Close button to close the Nose Cone configuration window.
Congratulations, you’ve just added your first component! 🎉
Adding a Payload Bay
Next, we will add a payload bay after the nose cone. To do this, with either the Stage or Nose Cone selected, click on the Body Tube button and the Body Tube configuration window will pop up. Like with the nose cone, click Parts Library to open the Component preset window. Select the body tube shown below, and click the Close button to close the Body Tube configuration window.
Adding a Transition
Transitions are most often used to connect body tubes with different diameters. But, a transition can also be used to connect two body tubes of the same diameter, as will be done here.
To do this, with either the Stage or Payload Bay selected, click on the Transition button and the Transition configuration window will pop up. The default Transition Configuration tab is the General tab. On this tab, change your entries in the circled areas below to match the entries shown. Then, click the Shoulder tab, and change your entries in the circled areas below to match the entries shown. Then, click the Close button.
Adding a Body Tube
Now, do what you did to add the Payload Bay, above, but select this body tube from the parts database:
Adding Fins
The bottom component are the fins. OpenRocket offers four types of fins, Trapezoidal, Elliptical, Free Form, and Tube Fins. For this design, Trapezoidal fins will be used.
With the Body Tube selected, click on the Trapezoidal fins button and the Trapezoidal Fin Set configuration window will pop up. On your default General tab, change your entries match the entries shown. Then, click the Close button.
Fins attach to another component, in this case the Body Tube. As circled below, the fins are shown underneath the Body Tube on the component tree.
Adding a Launch Guide
OpenRocket includes two styles of launch guides, Rail Buttons and a Launch Lug. Because of the diameter of the body tube, a Launch Lug will be used for this design. As with fins, launch guides attach to another component, in this case the body tube.
You should now be able to open the Launch Lug configuration window without assistance. So, open your Launch Lug configuration window, and change the specifications to match those shown below.
Adding a Parachute and Shock Cord
Next we will add a Parachute and Shock Cord to the rocket for recovery. Select the body tube and add a Parachute and Shock Cord. The parachute and shock cord attach to the body tube.
Adding an Engine Block
Viewing Your Design
With the airframe complete, you can view your design in either 2D (as above) or three 3D views. The most commonly used of which are 3D Unfinished and 3D Finished.
Adding Appearance Settings
If you want your OpenRocket design to visually resemble what you want to build, you can change the appearance of the components. When changing Appearance settings, it is best to be in the 3D Finished pane so that you can see the changes that you are making. So, let’s start by changing the view to 3D Finished.
Changing Color
The first change that will be made is to select the color for and change the color of the nose cone. Double-click on the nose cone in the parts tree to open the Nose Cone configuration window, then select the Appearance tab.
Now, uncheck the Appearance Use default box. Then, Click on the Color box to open the Choose color window. Select the color of your choice (purple will be used here). Click OK to use your selection, then Close the Nose Cone configuration window.
Repeat those steps for the Transition, Body Tube, Trapezoidal Fin Set, and Launch Lug; body tubes, launch lugs, and fins also have a Texture that will need to be set to none.
Now for a little magic. Open the Payload Bay appearance tab, uncheck the Appearance Use default box, and set
the Texture to <none>`
. Then, click on the Color box to open the Choose color window.
Click on a light blue color (the box shown with the X below), then click OK. Now, set the Opacity
to 20% and close the Payload Bay configuration window, and you have a transparent payload bay.
Adding Decals
One last bit of magic, let’s apply a decal to the transparent Payload Bay.
But, before beginning, save the following image to your device.
With the decal saved to your device, you’re ready to start.
Select Decal from File
Open the Payload Bay configuration window and select the Appearance tab. Click on the Texture type to activate the selection drop-down, and select From file…. Now, navigate to where you saved the decal, and select it.
Decal Type, Size and Position
To size and position the decal, first change the Repeat type to Sticker (you only want one symbol on the Payload Bay), then change the Scale and Offset x and y values to those shown below.
And, there you have it, a decal on a transparent payload bay!
So, let’s see what you’ve learned, and extend your knowledge. See if you can follow the screens below without any instructions. Save the following image to your device.
After splitting the fins, SAVE AND REOPEN THE DESIGN FILE, then view in 3D Finished.
Viewing in Photo Studio
So, what will this bird look like in flight? For that, we can use the Photo Studio tool. However, to get a representative representation, you need to add a motor first.
Selecting a Motor
In the Task tabs in the UI, select the Motors & Configuration tab. Then, make sure that the correct motor tube is selected on the left in the Motor mounts list before clicking New Configuration.
When you click New Configuration, the Motor Selection window opens. For this example, select the Estes D-12-7, then click OK.
Now, select the D-12-7 as the Flight Configuration, and you’re ready to go to the Photo Studio.
Flying in Photo Studio
Are you ready to see your rocket fly? Then, open Photo Studio from the menu.
You can now view your creation in 3D and interact with it. You can change the background, rocket orientation, camera settings, and even add some cool effects.
So why did you to add a motor before going to Photo Studio? Because, you can’t activate the flame effect in Photo Studio if your rocket does not have a motor, and the flame effect is arguably the coolest part of Photo Studio! Go to the Effects tab and enable the Flame effect.
Now, play around with the settings to your heart’s content!